[ONLINE] Oral History for Educators
to Mar 17

[ONLINE] Oral History for Educators

This workshop is designed for educators who want to bring oral history into their classrooms and learning spaces. We’ll begin with a rigorous introduction to oral history theory, methods and practice before reviewing existing curricula and projects as a jumping off place to design our own curricula/projects. Read more here…

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[IN PERSON, Hudson] Oral History Intensive: Public Interventions
to Jul 1

[IN PERSON, Hudson] Oral History Intensive: Public Interventions

  • Oral History Summer School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come all ye budding oral historians, radio documentarians, writers, filmmakers, media advocates, and photographers who wish to make use of oral history in your practices. This immersive upstate New York workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of oral history. Read more here…

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[IN PERSON] Oral History and Journalism: In Residence at Sylvan Motor Lodge
to Jan 22

[IN PERSON] Oral History and Journalism: In Residence at Sylvan Motor Lodge

  • Sylvan Motor Lodge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oral history and journalism were once described as "kissing cousins" by journalist Mark Feldstein, but how, exactly are they related? What lives at the intersection of these two sets of best practices, and how does the ambidextrous oral history-journalist trouble though moments when the practices diverge?

Working with oral history values/strategies alongside journalistic constraints can give rise to a new sensibility or sensibilities. We'll use oral history exercises/ training together with our collective momentum as reporters, documentarians and longform nonfiction writers to encourage more curiosity, play, collaboration and innovation without compromising rigor or loyalty to our respective realms. Sessions will take the forms of mini-presentations, interactive exercises, case studies, Read more here . . .

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[IN PERSON] Hudson Community Futures: Social Histories and Problem-Solving through Oral History
to Sep 16

[IN PERSON] Hudson Community Futures: Social Histories and Problem-Solving through Oral History

  • Oral History Summer School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this three-and-a-half day workshop, participants will learn the tools and techniques of oral history and consider together the many possible uses for oral history in our Hudson area communities: family/ history, community organizing, creating counternarratives, intergenerational relationship-building and envisioning collective futures.  Read more here…

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[IN PERSON] Oral History Intensive: Let us Rejoice
to Jun 26

[IN PERSON] Oral History Intensive: Let us Rejoice

  • Oral History Summer School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come all ye budding oral historians, radio documentarians, writers, filmmakers, media advocates, and photographers who wish to make use of oral history in your practices. This immersive upstate New York workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of oral history. Read more here…

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[ONLINE] Collaborative Narratives: A Podcasting Workshop with Sarah Geis
10:00 AM10:00

[ONLINE] Collaborative Narratives: A Podcasting Workshop with Sarah Geis

Narrator-led. Emotional range. Shared authority. Prominent silence. Unscripted language. Tangents welcome. These are some of the characteristics of oral histories, and also some of the qualities producer/editor Sarah Geis believes make podcasts that buzz with life. Read more here…

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[ONLINE] Shaking the Family Tree: Oral History, Family History, Insider Interviews and Ancestral Memory
to Mar 3

[ONLINE] Shaking the Family Tree: Oral History, Family History, Insider Interviews and Ancestral Memory

For many of us, family is the obvious—and sometimes most complicated—place to start our work as oral historians. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use oral history to document and preserve their family stories. We’ll discuss common challenges: convincing your family to participate, delving into sensitive subjects and secrets, and working with interviewees who may suffer from memory loss. We’ll also discuss the potential for oral history to repair and transform relationships. Read more here…

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[ONLINE] Getting into the Field of Oral History: Tips, Tools and Opportunities
6:00 PM18:00

[ONLINE] Getting into the Field of Oral History: Tips, Tools and Opportunities

This third hop-on session in our series of short-form online workshops will focus on field-work: how to get into the field of oral history and how to sustain a life of “fieldwork.” Come hear from Oral History Summer School Founder/Director Suzanne Snider along with colleagues Meral Agish, Sady Sullivan and others about ways to train, network, budget, earn income and sustain your oral history practice and values.

How/where does a newly trained oral historian find work? What kinds of jobs exist within the larger project of oral history? How much should/can you charge as an interviewer-for-hire? Read More….

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[ONLINE] Building Your Own Oral History Transcription Style Guide, February 10
11:00 AM11:00

[ONLINE] Building Your Own Oral History Transcription Style Guide, February 10

  • Oral History Summer School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

From the oral historian that piloted the Talking White: Transcribing Black Voices workshop, comes a new workshop geared towards making unique transcription style guides that cater to your own project's needs. As always, the goal with oral history transcription is producing a useful document that honors our narrators and the intricacies of their speech. In this all-day virtual yet hands-on workshop, you'll receive a first hand step-by-step look at how the Margaret Walker Center Oral History Transcription Style Guide was created to do just this. Read more…

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[ONLINE] Project Design Lab: For Oral Historians, Documentarians, Artists, and More
to Jan 20

[ONLINE] Project Design Lab: For Oral Historians, Documentarians, Artists, and More

Project Design is a dynamic phase of oral history practice, giving oral historians a chance to discipline their thinking, address ethical challenges, identify sites for potential collaboration, assess their resources, define “success,” and brainstorm potential future uses beyond the archive. Read more here

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[ONLINE] The Oral History Manuscript: Writing from Oral History, December 16-18
to Dec 18

[ONLINE] The Oral History Manuscript: Writing from Oral History, December 16-18

  • Google Calendar ICS

Oral history excels at complicating the narrative. How can we preserve and deliver these complex narratives when moving from speech to print? How can we make adequate space for our narrators’ voices and our own (authorial) voice? What does it mean to write in first person with someone else’s words? What is an oral history book? Read more here…

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[ONLINE] Listening Exercises
6:00 PM18:00

[ONLINE] Listening Exercises

Join Oral History Summer School for its second short-form online workshop in a new workshop sequence we're offering throughout 2023-24. This time around, we'll bring our famous Listening Exercises to participants. Come learn about listening and yourself in a fully interactive session. Read more here…

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(Waitlist) [ONLINE] Oral History Summer School Mini-Intensive, November 17-18
to Nov 18

(Waitlist) [ONLINE] Oral History Summer School Mini-Intensive, November 17-18

  • Google Calendar ICS

This two-day hands-on workshop––open to all––is based on our popular 10-day intensive, covering oral history theory, method and practice. Over the course of the two-day workshop, we'll address interview techniques, recording tutorials, ethics, memory, annotation and experimental outcomes. Read more…

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[ONLINE] Song Collecting (and Composing): Oral History and Music, November 14
10:00 AM10:00

[ONLINE] Song Collecting (and Composing): Oral History and Music, November 14

In this virtual song collection workshop, Oral History Summer School Director Suzanne Snider will guide participants through an exploration of historic and contemporary song collection practices before inviting participants to try them out in a supportive environment. This workshop involves presentation, discussion and practice (Yes, maybe a little singing!) with an emphasis on coming together to tell stories. Snider will discuss the ways that song collection can be an especially powerful invitation for the very young, the very old, for those dealing with memory loss and/or brain injuriesRead more…

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[RECORDING AVAILABLE] The Question:  An Online Short Workshop on the Question as Invitation
6:00 PM18:00

[RECORDING AVAILABLE] The Question: An Online Short Workshop on the Question as Invitation

[VIDEO RECORDING OF WORKSHOP AVAILABLE]: Oral History Summer School’s tagline is ‘Ask Better Questions,’ but how do we do this and what makes a question “good” or “bad”? In this focused workshop, we will explore questions as a cornerstone of oral history practice, specifically looking at how we can radically change relationships, archives, documentary film projects, parenting, medical practice and more by.Read More

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[IN PERSON!] Oral History Summer Intensive in residence at the Sylvan Motor Lodge
to Jul 30

[IN PERSON!] Oral History Summer Intensive in residence at the Sylvan Motor Lodge

Oral History Summer School is back in session for our second Oral History Intensive in Residence at Sylvan Motor Lodge. Come all ye budding oral historians, media makers, advocates and others who wish to make of use of oral history in your practices. This immersive upstate New York workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of oral history. Over the course of 4 days, we’ll cover interview techniques, project design, and recording tutorials, plus sessions dedicated to ethics, trauma, advocacy, archives, and other related topics. Read more…

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[IN PERSON!] Oral History Summer Intensive in residence at Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (Portland, ME)
to Jun 9

[IN PERSON!] Oral History Summer Intensive in residence at Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (Portland, ME)

  • Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oral History Summer School is back in session—this time in Portland, ME—at Salt Institute for Documentary Studies. Come all ye budding oral historians, media makers, advocates and others who wish to make of use of oral history in your practices. This immersive upstate New York workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of oral history. Over the course of 4 days, we’ll cover interview techniques, project design, and recording tutorials, plus sessions dedicated to ethics, trauma, advocacy, archives, and other related topics. Read more…

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[IN PERSON!] Oral History Intensive in residence at the Sylvan Motor Lodge
to Oct 10

[IN PERSON!] Oral History Intensive in residence at the Sylvan Motor Lodge

Oral History Summer School is back in session with our first in-person workshop since the pandemic. Come all ye budding oral historians, media makers, advocates and others who wish to make of use of oral history in your practices. This immersive upstate New York workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of oral history. Over the course of 4 days, we’ll cover interview techniques, project design, and recording tutorials, plus sessions dedicated to ethics, trauma, advocacy, archives, and other related topics. Read more…

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Oral History Project Design Workshop: Middlebury x Kolot Chayeinu
to May 27

Oral History Project Design Workshop: Middlebury x Kolot Chayeinu

In this specialized Project Design workshop, OHSS director and founder Suzanne Snider will train a project team from Middlebury College and Kolot Chayeinu for an oral history project of Kolot Chayeinu, a non-denominational Jewish congregation in Brooklyn, NY. This day-long training includes mini-presentations, conversation, small group exercises, and supportive “lab time” during which participants will work with Project Design prompts and workshop their ideas-in-progress for feedback. Read more…

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[ONLINE] Oral History Winter School March Mini-Intensive
to Mar 7

[ONLINE] Oral History Winter School March Mini-Intensive

This two-day hands-on workshop––open to all––is based on our popular 10-day intensive, covering oral history theory, method and practice. Over the course of the two-day workshop, we'll address interview techniques, recording tutorials, ethics, memory, annotation and experimental outcomes. Read More…

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“Talking White”: An anti-oppression view towards transcribing Black narrators [ONLINE]
11:00 AM11:00

“Talking White”: An anti-oppression view towards transcribing Black narrators [ONLINE]

Alissa Rae Funderburk will be presenting "Talking White," a workshop that explores useful concepts in the transcription of oral history to help us more accurately portray the voice of our narrators. The English language is inextricably linked to a history of colonialism and has been used in America to delegitimize the voices and agency of Black people. Read more…

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Oral History Winter School Mini-Intensive [ONLINE]
to Dec 14

Oral History Winter School Mini-Intensive [ONLINE]

  • Oral History Summer School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This two-day hands-on workshop––open to all––is based on our popular 10-day intensive, covering oral history theory, method and practice. Over the course of the two-day workshop, we'll address interview techniques, recording tutorials, ethics, memory, annotation and experimental outcomes. Read More…

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Oral History for Organizations, Collectives, and Collaborators [ONLINE]
to Nov 21

Oral History for Organizations, Collectives, and Collaborators [ONLINE]

This mini-intensive is based on our popular foundational workshop––covering oral history theory, methods and practice––but is designed more specifically to support training among colleagues and collaborators who wish to directly apply the training during the workshop, and to establish networks among organizations approaching common questions. Read more…

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Oral History Summer School Online Mini-Intensive [ONLINE]
to Oct 23

Oral History Summer School Online Mini-Intensive [ONLINE]

  • Google Calendar ICS

This two-day hands-on workshop––open to all––is based on our popular 10-day intensive, covering oral history theory, method and practice. Over the course of the two-day workshop, we'll address interview techniques, recording tutorials, ethics, memory, annotation and experimental outcomes. Read more…

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Oral History Summer School Online Intensive
to Jun 14

Oral History Summer School Online Intensive

Instructors: Suzanne Snider + Guest Instructors Nichole Canuso, Sarita Daftary, Alissa Rae Funderburk

Come all ye budding oral historians, artists, advocates, and researchers who wish to make use of oral history in your practices. This immersive summer workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of Oral History. Over the course of ten days, we’ll cover interview techniques, project design, recording tutorials for online and in-person recording, and ethics, along with special topics related to the field. Read more.

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Oral History Summer School Online Weekend Mini-Intensive
to Apr 11

Oral History Summer School Online Weekend Mini-Intensive

This two-day hands-on workshop––open to all––is based on our popular 10-day intensive, covering oral history theory, method and practice. Over the course of the weekend, we'll address interview techniques, recording tutorials, ethics, memory, annotation and experimental outcomes. Read more.

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[CANCELED] Oral History: Problems and Solutions (Portland, Maine)
to Jul 14

[CANCELED] Oral History: Problems and Solutions (Portland, Maine)

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our first 5-day foundational training! We’re excited to bring this work to a new location (Portland, Maine) in partnership/collaboration with the audio production company Future Projects (Josie Holtzman, Isaac Kestenbaum) at their Portland studio. This workshop will cover ethics, interview techniques and recording tutorials as well as sessions on memory, trauma, project design and archives…Read More

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[ONLINE] Oral History Intensive: Reciprocity, Repatriation, and Archives (Hudson)
to Jul 18

[ONLINE] Oral History Intensive: Reciprocity, Repatriation, and Archives (Hudson)

Come all ye budding oral historians, artists, advocates, and researchers who wish to make of use of oral history in your practices. This immersive summer workshop is a rigorous introduction to the field of Oral History. Over the course of ten days, we’ll cover interview techniques, project design, recording tutorials, and ethics, along with special topics related to the field. This is a great opportunity to jump-start a project in a supportive environment… Read More

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[ONLINE] Expanding Our Space through Deep Listening for Caregivers and Kiddos (ages 7-11)
to Jul 9

[ONLINE] Expanding Our Space through Deep Listening for Caregivers and Kiddos (ages 7-11)

We invite you and your kiddo(s) to experience listening, sounding, moving, imagining, composing, and dreaming together during this 4-session experiment in intergenerational Deep Listening. Deep Listening® is an evolving practice founded by avant garde composer Pauline Oliveros: through playful, body-affirming awareness exercises and sonic meditations we will tune in to ourselves and the planet and have fun…Read more.

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[ONLINE] Expanding Our Space through Deep Listening  for Caregivers and Kids (ages 8-11)
to Jun 2

[ONLINE] Expanding Our Space through Deep Listening for Caregivers and Kids (ages 8-11)

Sady Sullivan in collaboration with Oral History Summer School invites you and your kiddo(s) to experience listening, sounding, moving, imagining, composing, and dreaming together during this 4-session experiment in intergenerational Deep Listening. Deep Listening® is an evolving practice founded by avant garde composer Pauline Oliveros: through playful, body-affirming awareness exercises and sonic meditations we will tune in to ourselves and the planet and have fun.

Neurodiversity celebrated - Sensory friendly

Tuesdays & Thursdays in May via Zoom

May 21 3pm - 4pm ET
May 26 3pm - 4pm ET
May 28 3pm - 4pm ET
June 2 3pm - 4pm ET……..Read More Here…

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Oral History, A Queer Art (NYC)
to Feb 2

Oral History, A Queer Art (NYC)

Oral History, a Queer Art will follow the course of our usual immersive workshops by offering foundational oral history training--theory, method, practice-- while inviting exploration into the way that oral history values and theory are arguably queer and/or well-positioned to support emergent complex queer narratives. This workshop will also seize upon the history and abundance of queer oral history projects, approaching this canon as both case study of insider history and as inspiration for new projects ….. Read More

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